May @ Mac was funstuffs for my headbrains. Pictures will be posted later. Also, I have new pictures of people's crotches that I should add to my collection. No I'm not a creeper OMGWTFBBQ.
Have I ever mentioned that I am utterly confused by the opposing gender? There are so many questions that go unanswered - how can you tell if a girl likes you? What do you say to 'Should I wear red or blue?'? Why do girls go to the bathroom in pairs?!?! Not to excuse guys, but at least we're (usually) more blunt and open, while most girls are so mysterious and elusive. Not to mention confusing.

I deal with plenty of issues daily but women always seem to have the most complicated dramas ever. No offense to the wonderful ladies reading this blog, but seriously chill the fuck out. Life doesn't have to be so complicated and half the time people create problems by trying to avoid them.

That still doesn't explain any of the weird shit you all do. Mathematics? Physics? Everything I know is useless here. Blargh.

That still doesn't explain any of the weird shit you all do. Mathematics? Physics? Everything I know is useless here. Blargh.
yo. your basement roomie/hobbit here. your blog is extremely amusing. in other news, I MISS HAMILTON. isnt that disgusting?
i miss building ultimate fail fires in the backyard. and i havent used the word "son" in ages.
as you say: "OMGWTFBBQ"
Maybe you should come visit noobsauce.
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