What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.



When did 10/18 become a GOOD mark?

My birthday is coming up once again. I personally don't like to celebrate, mainly because it seems so pointless. Not to sound pessimistic, but it just reminds me I'm another year older, another year passed with a ton of mistakes, a few happy points, but mostly just wasted time and missed opportunities. But I'll be 19! 19 = legal, irresponsibility! So maybe I'll plan something, who knows? Right now, celebrating my birthday seems to have the same appeal as making my own soap from animal fat.

In recent news, I was sitting in my room one warm Hamilton day, playing GALACTIC CIVILIZATIONS 2 (the longest, most nerdiest game you can possibly find) when I heard footsteps outside my locked door. Naturally, I assumed my roommates were home, so I took a quick look out, and saw the FUCKING NASTIEST MOUSE I HAVE EVER SEEN. Eventually we pinned it to a wall with a binder and a bottle and shoved it into an empty seaweed container.

Two days later it died in a puddle of its own excrements. It was the saddest thing I've seen, and I watch American Idol. I tossed it in the garbage, but now that I think about it, I should have put it in my prof's coffee.

I also have obtained a new phone. Running around, unreachable and free, eventually showed its downsides, such as getting lost/having to walk home/a noticeable lack of quarters/no buzzing in my pants. So I picked up a family plan and a sweet Sony Ericsson W810i, walkman/camera/phone. I actually got the phone for a discount, thanks to my mom and her insane chinese bargaining skills.

Well, anyways. Calculus test is on Thursday, and I'm trying to match my 10/18 score again. So I leave you with this koan:

What does God do when a kitten masturbates?