What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.


Hilarity Ensues

Am I really that funny?

It's full of calcium and cotton. Also there is a nipple.

'Cause all that Batman stuff and the Is-that-yours-NOOOOOOOOOs and the Gay Chicken and the 8-ft whale penis HOLY SHEET and the foreskin vampires and the 'You look much better from behind, haha' and the 'I have many secrets, i.e., what I do to you in your sleep' and the 'Get your fucking nose out of my root beer' and the annoying knuckle cracking and the guy-that-calls-not-chester-not-chester and the HIGH FIVE *facepalm* and the were-pigeon and the 'I can make you orgasm by touching your feet' and the SHIT I LOST THE GAME and last word and Symposium nights and the ONE TIME I ATE MY NEIGHBOR'S SHIT and 'Fuck you guys making me drive all over the damn city and pay for your food' and the bubbletea and 'Marco, you have way too many shoes and it makes me question your masculinity' and the late night food runs and all the ridiculous things I have ever said?


Just comes naturally. I can't help it anymore than you can help being a loser.

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