What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.



So I'm a Redsuit.

I watched so many movies today that my head feels like there's a beaver in it. A chainsaw beaver. Or those annoying guys from Bell. Fantastic Four, The Hills have Eyes, Terminator 3, The Grudge 2...

And I ate food. That's good too. Because it was good food.

Am I talking too much? Maybe I better reassert myself. *Find a cheerleader and cut her legs off* (Kudos to those who get the Nny reference). I lost the Game right now too, which sucks as it's the 4th time I've lost today. Come to think of it, you lose the Game too.

I bought a box of 48 Caramilks for 50 bucks. I need to get rid of money on my mealplan so I've been buying in bulk. I don't want the school to leech more money off me than it already has. I'm probably going to be working for 10 freakin' years after I grad just to pay off school fees.

Way too much guitar playing too. Three Days Grace, The Decemberists, and Bright Eyes, at a friend's request. I've been having a lot of fun, but I like playing in groups, I miss it from highschool. Especially at lunch, where we'd just sit down... and say 'Is that yours?' Lol.


What is kakorrhaphiophobia?



Hope has three daughters.

Anger and Courage and Truth. Did you know that? Yeah, you probably knew that. I mean, that's your department, super hero. Death isn't scary. Surrender is. Do you know what death will do to the crowd below? It will make them fight harder for freedom.

Open up the box and search for that treat at the bottom. Hope for something good.

You were always talking about responsibility. You didn't want it anymore, so I took it. But with great responsibility, comes great power.

You never knew, did you? Surprise surprise. It was so easy to find. Together, we did what you could only dream of! We saved it from itself. Why would you think otherwise? My entire existence is about this! I am the responsibility that you shirked. You brought me to this world, and made me its prisoner. How could you ever think something else, with your selfish mentality and tastes and your feelings?

Yes, we were all doing our jobs. Solitude, not because you could, but because you chose not to. Because your heart was stronger than your fists. The price of freedom, the price to fly is small... but not all creatures want to fly. There is a cost for that.

I've faced my fears all day. But you... what do you see?



I have a major headache and way too many assignments to do. I feel like my brain is having a hernia. I've just downed like, a billion advil and nothing. This must be how Harry Potter feels ALL THE TIME.

Let's see.

-Yesterday: Engineering Mystery Road trip! We ended up going to some Burlington sports bar. I played dodgeball and ball hockey all night. It was insanely fun and really intense and I almost shat myself but held on FTW.

-I forgot about Mechapope. Yeah, sorry you guys. It was supposed to be for the Plumbline, but w/e.

-Vacumned. Oh my gorsh our floor actually looks somewhat clean, if you remove the peanut shells, dirt and semen from the carpet. (I was kidding about the last one, it's usually all over the bathroom floor)

-Played Game Boy. Yeah you heard me. Super Mario Land in the middle of physics is like an oasis full of hot sexy women in the middle of the Mcmaster Engineering sausagefest.

-Money. I have way too much money. Still got more than 1000 left on my student card and only a month or so to spend it. So I'm going to buy 2000 bricks of instant noodle to build a house with. Or tons of Kinder Surprise Eggs.

-Posted. A new story to be precise. And a new 'poem' although I like to refrain from calling my crappy brain spewings poetry. Check www.nookish.com and my Arcanum site for details.

Have a good night people. Watch out for eating oysters that shit themselves.