What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.


Speak Truth

You know, I'd rather take the truth that hurts than the lie that makes me smile. Just be honest and tell me I'm trash instead of this psychological BS where you laugh and smile and pretend to be my friend. I'd probably respect you way more if you had the decency to just say you hate me up front instead of forcing yourself to laugh. I know you don't read this blog anyways but I think I just need to get that out. Fucking people.

Anyways, lesson for the rest of you: just tell me when I'm being an idiot and annoying or whatever. I don't have to worry about you 4th Spare guys cause you don't have any problems telling me exactly what you think of me, and vice versa, which is a point that makes you amazing. I don't fucking care if you tell me I'm being stupid - I'd rather have you say it than keep it in and fake being nice when you really want to punch me.

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