What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.


Another Year

So I've updated my official blog with fancy new colors.

Anyways, exams are almost done. I spent most of the day helping friends move out... it's a little sad to see them go. These are people I constantly annoyed and bugged the living shit out of, so I'm pretty sure my family is a little apprehensive at me coming home. I only have one left, Economics, on Thursday, so after that, I'll be looking for a job somewhere nearby.

So, how was first year? I gotta say, it was a HUGE blow to the learny-part of my brain. I learned how to cook and clean, and how to do things for myself, like how to wash my underwear and change my diapers. Never lost sight of myself though... which I suppose is a good thing. Was fun while it lasted. Met lots of people... and I gotta say, in the words of an old famous guy, "I know less than half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

Heroes (C) is back on tonight, so I'll be watching that. 24, Prisonbreak, Black Donnelly's... etc etc. Spent my time watching House on my computer too. No wonder the calculus exam killed me... Ah well. Speaking of calc, ever been thrown out of a window into a volcano? Because it was like that.

Hahaha I bet no one reads this. I'm ranting to myself. But then again, I do that all the time. Do what? Rant to myself. Why would you do that? Because I'm insane and completely mental. Yeah you are. Well you are too, so there. Shut up. I hope people find this endearing rather than completely creepy you dumb n00b. Hey, I'm only a noob at DotA. Lol yeah, remember that 1-25 match? Yeah, lol, so bad, but at least I'm decent in BR. I bet I could beat you in BR. How can you beat yourself at BR you idiot?! Well, what if I closed my eyes? Are you retarded? Well yes, I am the stupid part of the personality. And I'm the part that tells you to shut up, so shut it before I break your jaw off. Ooh, aren't we testy? SHUT UP! Okay, jeez, I'm just - Shut up shut up shut up lalalalaaaaaaaaaa...


A Deadly Day

So I've been feeling a little unbalanced lately.

Woke up this morning. I let Sloth sleep while I went to brush my teeth. Had a breakfast date with Gluttony, then had to meet Greed at the ATM at 9:00. My exam was a bit later, so I hung out with Lust at the gym until then. Wrath met me outside the classroom and we wrote the exam together. It was pretty hard, and both Envy and I spend the day discussing the class marks. I think I did reasonably well though, as did Pride. So that was my day in a nutshell.

Ever get the feeling you're not alone?


An Alliterative Awkward Adventure

So I'm at Thode library now attempting to study for Matsci exam on Tuesday. Attempting, because I am failing miserably, and I realize that bringing my LAPTOP is a bad idea along the lines of bell bottoms and toe socks.

So it's Easter Sunday. I was going to go to church today, but the church I regularly frequent was *gasp* closed, for some odd reason. As I waited by the locked doors hoping for Jesus himself to descend from the heavens and kick down the wooden door in my way, a few more people joined us, until a small crowd of 7 people had gathered in front of the barred church.

We stood there like a bunch of idiots as cars passed by and gave us very direct looks that said, 'Wtf.' Eventually, we decided to go on a 'quest' to find a Sunday mass to attend. I mean, who locks church on Easter? Isn't it supposed to be 'sanctuary' and there when you need it? Well, no choice. Like Frodo and his friends, we set out on an adventure, but hopefully with lower casualties and no fiery volcano (Sorry, I had to sneak a LOTR ref in there somewhere).

We ended up at 134 Emerson, at St. George's Reformed Episcopal church. We hesitated at the threshold, then balked as the minister offered to serve us communion in the chapel. It's always strange and awkward entering another religion's church, especially if you have wild thought about 'If you cross our threshold you belong to our religion now,' or 'If you eat our food, you're one of us.'

A few of us were unaccustomed to the sacrament of wine at communion, so it was pretty awkward especially when you were caught between refusing the wine (and possibly offending the minister) or accepting the wine (and possibly offending God himself). In some cases, a few among us risked the lightning bolts and accepted the wine, and in others, excuses were made (I need to go... study). And some of us didn't know the wine was alcoholic and almost sprayed it back at the minister in shock. Luckily, it never happened (but imagine if it did ><).

After that, if it wasn't awkward enough, the minister invited us to a party. So this was running through my head: "Oh, you came to our church as a last resort? Okay, let's serve you communion. Mass? Oh we can skip mass, not like you care. Since you're here, why don't you come to our party, so you can steal our food and take more advantage of our hospitality?"

Yeah, so it was pretty awkward. But of course, that was my own paranoia running away with me. The members of the parish were pretty nice and the food was great. They even invited us to come again. Except for the fact that in my mind, I was constantly on guard for someone to launch a 'sneak-conversion' on me and inform me that because of some obscure clause I was a Reformed Episcopal now.

So all in all, I gotta say it's been a pretty weird morning. I met new people, got locked out of church, experienced Reformed Episcopal church and went to a party. Go me.