What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.



Bloo bloo blah blah lookit me I'm Justin I'm so smart but can't figure out how to keep raccoons away from my garbage bins bloo blargh blee blah bloo.

Ironically, the one time I want to go home is the one time no one is free to pick me up.

I don't know how many people actually read this slice-of-life blog on a regular basis.

Justin says:
I told a random stranger to protect his family today.
Justin says:
My life has gotten fucked up.
quynh says:
y you did that?
Justin says:
It was funny.
Justin says:
quynh says:
Justin says:
I don't know. I'm so alone.

In addition, it's a good thing human girls don't have venomous stingers, huh?

Or do they?! Man, if that's true, we dudes are all screwed. Literally.

By big fucking stingers in the ass.

1 comment:

Mica said...

dont go home!! I miss you :(