What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.


Okay, I'm in Malaysia. Plane trip was 30 hours including transit and w/e, so yeah, pretty butt-numbing. Anyways, I just got my hands on a PC, albeit a pretty crappy one (still better than mine). The flight was uneventful, but then again, I was in a flying tin tube 30 000 feet up, so...

Weather here is hot, but the food makes up for it. Spicy though, I ate too much too fast and got sick, so I'm just resting at home. Might go see POTC 2 later, and then just hang out with my 5 billion relatives.

In any case, it's been really cool being back here. This is my real home, I can feel it.

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