What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.


I went out to breakfast with my sister and uncle just now. I had green noodles... they were nice, if you like eating rope. Going to go to the ZOO later, so just resting until then. Going to be a long, hot walk.

Anyways, we went to a CD store, and checked out some of their warez... not too bad, big collection, but it was sad that they still had a large selection of cassettes. The movies/songs were mostly Malay too. I was walking around when sudden my foot fell into a hole. I really hate open sewers :(

We went to the arcade too and played 'Spot the Difference'. I'm terrible at it.

I also played Virtua Cop, but I also found out that I can't dual wield :'(

In fact, I can't even shoot straight with one.

Okay, maybe I suck at video games. But I'm very good at 20 questions. I was playing with the handheld version of 20 Qs. I was thinking of a tree. I was sure I could fool the game, but I was wrong.

Game: Question 20 - Is it a liquid?
Me: No.
Game: You... thought... you... were... TRICKY! You are thinking of...
Me: ...wtf?

Oh that damn game, making me think I was so smart when it was obvious that I was thinking of something! Sigh... well, I guess I'm a good-for-nothing. Might as well join my cousin in the orangutan cage :P

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