What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.


It's my birthday on the 23rd! And I'm 18, so I'll be able to... uhm. I have no idea actually. My older friends all tell me becoming an adult is the worst possible thing that can happen to you. You have to be responsible, something I've been avoiding my entire life. But whatever, I guess I'll just work until I die.

Aiya... anyways, bored out of my mind... if I don't find something to do I think I'm going to go on a murder rampage... probably legal here as long as I claim it was holy war or something >.>

Another thing: Malaysian people like to get up EARLY. I'm serious, at 5 AM I already got people chanting at the mosque next door... I might just take myself up on that offer of holy war. My aunties all too concerned about my welfare... waking me soooooo early to feed me breakfast... probably trying to fatten me up for the day when they finally chop me up in my sleep and feed me to my cousins -_-'

The other day I was at the mall and there was a shoe modelling show going on in SP. I'm sure those ladies were wearing nice shoes... somehow, I didn't notice. Must be something wrong with my eyes :S ...keep drifting up :P

My cousin took some photo with his cell phone, but he won't send them to me. I don't think he was taking pictures of the shoes at all! I dunno... maybe he like the design on their shirt, too many pictures of their chest ;) But aiya, he complain too much, say they were all too fat : I think maybe he's gay. Lol, just joking.

Still bored. Going to write some more >.<

Heheh... reading Kenny Sia's blog.

"Tau Keh: Reminds me that time when you used to work in KFC. One customer asked you for "Ayam Goreng", and you thought he said "I am Goreng." Then you said to him "Welcome to KFC, Mr Goreng!" Remember?! WAHAHAHAHAHAA!"

>.> But this guy is so funny he kills me.

You know what I want for my birthday? A car would be nice. Maybe Batmobile. But nah, no one got that kinda of money except Batman.

I want to be Batman :(

But anyways, I think Malaysian culture is affecting my typing -_-' I start leaving out important letters and proper sentence structure already... see what I mean? Also I start putting 'lah' at the end of my sentence :( I hope my stories don't become like this lah.


I want a tattoo but I'm scared >.> It's going to hurt like getting a needle pierced in my... what do you mean that's the point? Heheh, just joking, probably get one of the fake one that come off with water :P Also don't want my kid to come to me and ask me for one too... then maybe I have to teach him not to make the same mistakes ;) Just kidding Nicky, lol, I still think your tattoo(s) is cool lah ^^

Was supposed to go to DAMAI today, but got cancel :'( because my cousin couldn't come. So nice, wish I could drive myself... but too bad these crazy Malaysian drive on the wrong side of the road. But even if I get into an accident, can settle with a little bit of... monetary persuasion. Heheheh.

I want to go to a concert too maybe. Except no crap bands, a good one... dunno when any of them are playing >.> No one comes to Malaysia anyways... the Int' airport is like, 5 hour drive away :( Plus here they have malaria. I only came for the family... I hope they remember that when they try to eat me 0_o

Heheh, my cousin went out with a Ms. Sarawak contestant! Kei, if you're reading this, let me know how it went already :P Ryo show me pictures online @ kennysia... wah, so pretty! Wish I knew some celebrity... but no, only one I know is maybe Katie Lai, and I'm pretty sure she hated me -_-' Lol, well, I know that radio DJ I met today. I don't think I'd like to go out with him though, on account of me not being attracted to big hairy sweaty men like Ryo ;)

Eh... I think maybe this is my longest post so far. If I stay here much longer, I can maybe write my life story :S

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