What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.


Be Right Back

Hey guys and lady-types. I'm pretty busy what with Vancouver and my cousin's wedding and all that jazz, so big updates will have to wait until I get back to T.O.

Meanwhile, short quips, I've been listening to the new Death Cab album Narrow Stairs and it is ear candy. On top of that, Vancouver is a pretty nice city, if not a little overcrowded with asians. I've seen some awesome sights in the past week, and I'll post some pics up soon. The Plumbline is going well, I've gotten a number of articles done and we're ready to finalize it. And finally, I'm thinking about writing a book based on my very random life experiences, most of which can be found on this site anyways, with some extras that haven't been seen by any other eyes. We'll see what happens.

They might be rich, famous, pretty, lucky, special, and a million myriad other things, but they're not me, and I am me, and it makes me laugh inside.


Matts Effect said...

I was going to right a book. Gave up after page 10. Maybe one day...

Chester said...

HapiBlogging to you my friend! Have a nice day!