What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.



Okay, my life has recently been a whirlwind of confusion, and parallels.

My sister told this guy she liked him, and unfortunately, the guy in question hasn't brought up the subject since. So for the past few weeks I've been dealing with an angst-ridden teenage girl asking me for advice, and questions I really don't have answers to.

The strange thing is, I'm sort of in the same position. There's two forces pulling me in two different directions. One is from the past, urging me to go back and try again, and one is from the future, pulling me forward into new experiences.

Problem: Either way I go, I have a chance of success and a chance of failure. Do I go with my comfort zone and with something I already know, or do I take a risk and chance it with something new?

And my fucking friends. "You decide." "It's up to you." "Follow your heart." Dammit you guys are assholes. It doesn't help that it's exactly what I used to say to you, and now you're just throwing it back in my face. Shit.

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