What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.



I just discovered the joys of Nvidia NView Desktop switching! Now I can swirl my mouse and it changes to a new desktop!

Which means if I am playing video games, I can easily switch over to a screen full of work if my mom comes by. Or if I'd rather watch dubious videos full of sexual content (aka pr0n) I can switch to video games in an instant. Not that I'd ever do that. Or admit to doing that ;)

Anyhows, reading week was fun. I had another downtown trip, etc etc. But it felt weird NOT to be doing work, which is proof I've finally gone insane(r). It's good to be back... nothing like midnight walks looking like a rapist to scare the willies out of passive observers.

I also love class. I have the inability to be serious at any time, so conversations go from securing water pumps to Power Rangers. Or Raffi. Or Arthur, robots, and other random and -

Wow. Deja Vu.

1 comment:

Me said...

OH! Raffi! XD I remember him. Saw him live, once. I was so excited. But that was eons ago. Mwahahahahaha. <.<