What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.



I have a major headache and way too many assignments to do. I feel like my brain is having a hernia. I've just downed like, a billion advil and nothing. This must be how Harry Potter feels ALL THE TIME.

Let's see.

-Yesterday: Engineering Mystery Road trip! We ended up going to some Burlington sports bar. I played dodgeball and ball hockey all night. It was insanely fun and really intense and I almost shat myself but held on FTW.

-I forgot about Mechapope. Yeah, sorry you guys. It was supposed to be for the Plumbline, but w/e.

-Vacumned. Oh my gorsh our floor actually looks somewhat clean, if you remove the peanut shells, dirt and semen from the carpet. (I was kidding about the last one, it's usually all over the bathroom floor)

-Played Game Boy. Yeah you heard me. Super Mario Land in the middle of physics is like an oasis full of hot sexy women in the middle of the Mcmaster Engineering sausagefest.

-Money. I have way too much money. Still got more than 1000 left on my student card and only a month or so to spend it. So I'm going to buy 2000 bricks of instant noodle to build a house with. Or tons of Kinder Surprise Eggs.

-Posted. A new story to be precise. And a new 'poem' although I like to refrain from calling my crappy brain spewings poetry. Check www.nookish.com and my Arcanum site for details.

Have a good night people. Watch out for eating oysters that shit themselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol. Your update is so bitsy. Hence, my comment is going to *have* to be bitsy too:
- Brain hernia? *nods* Delightful aren't they? I hope you feel better soon... =( Though er... I hope you don't die from the advil intake =S
Probably from all the crazy stuff you did last night though... you're mad you know... And Burlington of all places? lol. Sounds awesome. b^_^b
- And I'd take sexy women over a game boy any day... mostly because I have no appreciation for video games of any sort being thoroughly deprived of them myself... but I'd never compare the two. =S I'm sure a lot of sexy women would find that insulting. lmao
- Er... I hope you don't break your neck slipping and falling on any semen-residue in your bathroom XD
- And you still have 1000 dollars left?! Lol. I'm pretty certain that's not entirely possible... or you must be starving yourself or something... what with campus food generally being expensive and meal plans being slightly more than adequate for the average person for the entire year. I know a comple of commuters who have probably spent more on food than you have at least. XD
- And as for the oysters... I'll be careful the next time I come close to eating one. ^_~
*takes a deep breath*
Yeah... I'm done ^_^