What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.


Sometimes, people make me reel in disgust.

How could you do that? To me, to your friends? Every moment I breathe, every step I take, every second of every day, I will constantly, always think about what you did to me.

My life isn't mine. I live for others. Everything I do, is for the people I care about. So don't hate me for what I do. It's not my choice. It's to make someone happy. You might not know them, but they exist. There are people that I sacrifice for. It's not my life I'm living, I've given my life up to help those that need me.

I'll call people you don't approve of. Don't hate me for it. It's not for me. It's to make those kids, the ones that stay at home with nowhere to go, it's to make them happy.

I'll do things that may seem strange to you. Don't hate me for it. It's to help someone that may be hurt. Or at home crying. Something I have to do.

I'll say things that may seem stupid to you. don't hate me for it. Those words are serious to me. You might not realize it, but the things I say reflect the world that I see.

I won't hate you for what you did to me. But I'll hate you for what you did to yourself.

Who am I talking to? Look into a mirror.

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