What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.


I never meant for things to go this way.

I always thought I could make it. I never imagined that I would give in, that I would fail to control myself. I gave in to my inner wants and needs. I did what I wanted, not what I should have done. I failed myself.

Don't start thinking I'm talking about my life. I mean Magic Cards.

I promised myself I wouldn't play Magic until I was accepted into a university. I have failed. Not only did I play M:tG, I went out and bought more cards, something I promised myself I would refrain from.

Sadly, I still lost every game. But one day...

Okay, now I can start talking about my life.

I need to beg, plead, grovel. I want to go to Waterloo. I need to go there. My cousins have gone to Waterloo. If I fail now, it'll confirm my lack of genetic stability and prove that I'm a freak. Maybe I'm overreacting. But considering I spent my study time playing CARDS... I think I have a right to flip out.

If anyone has a solution...

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