What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.


It's a rare day that people will spend with God. Strange to think about, but many people go about their daily lives, not even going to mass once a week and forgetting who put us here.

People, in church, chewing gum, listening to music, going out of tradition or habit or fear of the divine, but not really there for God, no, but rather to save themselves. Walk around, most of the population is ignorant of God. Look at the number of crimes, the number of horrors commited, behind the curtains, and you'll get a taste of the true nature of the world.

But today, 500 students gave up a day for Jesus. Perhaps they just want to get out of class, or merely dance with their friends... but it was an effort, a sacrifice, perhaps not an honest one, but a day to appreciate God.

I'm a terrible hypocrite: I went merely because it was my last year and I wanted to go at least once. But I had fun. A rare thing for me, to really have fun, but with my friends all around me, my shirt soaked, sweaty people pressing in all around, loud deafening music... Heh. It sounds really gross, but I had a lot of fun.

So thanks a lot to all of you people who were at the JJ, I owe one day of fun to you.

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