What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.


It was a good day today until I drove to work.

My mom doesn't trust me. We were driving to my workplace, because my mom is standing in for my boss, who's on vacation. I was driving. The guy in front of me braked, so I braked too, but apparently, my mom thought I had braked too late and started ragging on me about how much I suck. So she refused to send me home after work and I had to take a bus. I had to walk back into the Kumon center, trying hard not to look upset. Everyone asked me why I was back and I just said, "My mom ditched me and told me to take a bus."

And the look of open-mouthed omg-how-could-she-be-so-mean shock on their faces... I had to try hard to control myself because I almost swore at the unfairness of my life. I mean... I don't think I'm a bad kid. So why does my mom threaten me, hit me and mock me constantly? I've run away countless times, I've jumped out my window, I've spent HOURS gazing at knives... I need to get away before I kill someone.

You may not agree with me, I don't think I'm that bad of a kid... to deserve shit happening to me constantly. It was a good day until up to that point. Then everything fell apart. I have... so much to do that I need the car for, and now...

A random stranger gave me a bus transfer so I could get home, and Joanne walked with me to the bus stop. The kindness of friends and strangers over family.

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