What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.



The other day was 4-20, and if you're familiar with social constructs, you'll recognize the day as the pothead's holiday. It's the drug-user's equivalent of the alcoholic's St. Patrick's Day.

I don't understand the concept. Many people seem to use holidays as a reason or an excuse for their behaviour, and it frustrates me. I enjoy drinking, but I'd never try to convince myself to drink because of the date - I drink because I enjoy it, and St. Patrick's Day is only an occasion for me because the beer is cheap. Using socially defined dates for your behaviour is just an extreme case of peer pressure.


Anonymous said...

Well for St. Patty's day it's an Irish thing and, of course, the Irish are huge on bear. It's liquid sustenance. You know how tastes like bread. (Ironically I've never tasted it before. =P) Anywho, it was cheap in the good ol' days of hard labour, little pay. It's the stuff that kept men going. Sure it's a little ridiculous we make it green now... but I'm sure a saint wouldn't have a problem with a little merriment in his name every once in a while =P
Yes, but the ones who overdo it should be stricken... stricken from life, I say! =P

aenariele said...

beer*** =)