What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.



So I'm a Redsuit.

I watched so many movies today that my head feels like there's a beaver in it. A chainsaw beaver. Or those annoying guys from Bell. Fantastic Four, The Hills have Eyes, Terminator 3, The Grudge 2...

And I ate food. That's good too. Because it was good food.

Am I talking too much? Maybe I better reassert myself. *Find a cheerleader and cut her legs off* (Kudos to those who get the Nny reference). I lost the Game right now too, which sucks as it's the 4th time I've lost today. Come to think of it, you lose the Game too.

I bought a box of 48 Caramilks for 50 bucks. I need to get rid of money on my mealplan so I've been buying in bulk. I don't want the school to leech more money off me than it already has. I'm probably going to be working for 10 freakin' years after I grad just to pay off school fees.

Way too much guitar playing too. Three Days Grace, The Decemberists, and Bright Eyes, at a friend's request. I've been having a lot of fun, but I like playing in groups, I miss it from highschool. Especially at lunch, where we'd just sit down... and say 'Is that yours?' Lol.


What is kakorrhaphiophobia?


Anonymous said...

Movies? You and me both my friend. A hell of a lot. But then again, those who know me, know that's what I do ;)
But they've been getting successivley darker and more violent. What does that say about anything? Or mabye everything?

Anyways, you and I need to talk more! For sure. Don't get too busy on me, that would be a sure sign that University has swallowed your soul...

Mike said...