What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.


It's been 4 long years of good times and bad,
But now it's come to a climax, where all the friends I've made are about to fall away,
And now, I begin anew, a fresh start to my life.

I'm happy. Which makes me sad. Two days left before I lose myself and gain a new identity, before I can start off on new ground, where I can live my own life for once.

Thank you to all my friends, you guys and girls know who you are. You've kept me standing all these years, and no matter what I went through, you all pulled me out of the hole I was in. Thanks to the staff at STFX, especially my teachers and counselors, you've been lenient, generous and there for me when I needed it. And finally, thanks to my family. I'll be somewhat glad to be rid of you, but thanks for all you've done for me.

This is IT. THIS IS THE END. I am off to bigger and better things, but I'll never forget my HS years, because this is where I learned to love, to share, to laugh, to play. Screw Fisher-Price, true life is High School.


Anonymous said...

I love that you're being so honest and sincere. The only thing I don't like about this time is writing in some other people's yearbooks and not knowing what to say b/c I've never spent enough time with them.
I'll miss you. ^_-;

The Ageless Fool said...

My friends are the best. Thanks guys. I'll try not to forget you, even when I get old and lose control of my bladder.

Anonymous said...

You make me cry.



All the time.