What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.



I am almost free. Please don't let me die... I have so much to do... so much to live for. I hate this life, but I still want to live it...

We're all like toy soldiers. We crack, we break, we fall, we dent, we serve our purpose, and then like every other old toy, we're thrown away, worth nothing more than a small scrap of tin and metal. All our lives, all our memories are wasted away in this stinkhole of a life, and when we die, who will remember? All memories fade with age, and one day, there'll come a time when NO ONE will remember you. You can pick life... but why would you want to do that?

Toy Soldiers

How lowly.
How sad.
This broken child,
Like a dropped toy,
Responds slowly,
Acts without meaning,
And falls apart quickly,
After which he is
Taken and thrown away,
No longer useful
To anyone.

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