What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.


Stop Yourself

I dare you to go one day without what you think you need, and devise an alternative.

Just to point out the fact that this blog isn't meant for you. This is my own corner of the web and what you read on here doesn't necessarily reflect how I will behave in my life away from the keyboard. You don't know me.

There's a reason why we behave certain ways - expectations, hormones, mental problems, outside stimuli. We don't dictate our choices - our environment influences our nature, and our nature influences our decisions.

Like with anything, it depends on our surroundings. In certain places, we behave in certain ways. I'm not the same at school and at home, and I don't act the same way with my family as I do with my friends. It's all situational.

At the end of the day, all you can really do is look back and ask yourself if it was worth it. Did you learn something new today? Did you explore? Did you enrich your life in some way shape or form?

Or did you waste the day? Maybe you spent it doing the same thing you do every day. Like Pinky and the Brain, do you do the same thing every night?

You only get one shot at life. There's nothing worse than going on vacation and spending the whole time on the computer, or stuck in your hotel room with the same people, then having to leave and saying, "I really wish I had spent more time doing new things." And the same goes for life.

There's no greater regret than wasting time, whether it's spending too much time on the internet, or watching TV, or even going to the same damn coffee shop every weekend. You can even spend too much time with the same people and never meet anyone new. There's a whole new world to explore out there, and don't let anything hold you back.

That's Night vs Day. The terminus where you start a new morning, and struggle between the sleeper and the dreamer, the thinker and the doer. You have forever. Go.

1 comment:

bonnie said...

i like this. i like it a lot.