What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.



A friend of mine (Let's call her S) has been in a relationship with a guy for about a month now. The problem is, her mother doesn't like this guy. So S calls me.

I suspect she's calling me to talk to her mother, so I can try and reason her into liking her daughter's boyfriend. Unfortunately, I agree with the mother's stance - S went into this relationship without considering the consequences, and now she has to deal with them. she got herself in, she has to get herself out.

Halfway through the conversation, S hangs up on me. She doesn't want to hear what I have to say. So why call me?

She wants advice, so she turns to the people close to her for help, but then, when she hears something she doesn't like, she gets angry, ignores what's been said, and does what she wants anyways. So how am I supposed to help?


Anonymous said...

heh ... i have been in S's situation before, i suggest just listening to what she has to say instead of giving advice - cuz clearly she doesn't want any, she just wants to rant.
at least that's what i'm getting out of this

Anonymous said...

Sucks doesn't it? No one really wants advice, just an ear.