What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.


I'm Leaving

"In my beginning is my end." -T.S. Eliot.

This is the end. I am going. Goodbye.

I'm leaving. It's been a long, hard trip - full of ups and downs - and I'd like to say it was nice, but it really wasn't that great. So I'm gone. No more MSN, or Facebook, or society. Am I a friend, or am I just a tool? We'll see.

If you need to find me, I'm sure you'll make the effort to track me down. For those that will, I'm sorry I had to make things difficult. For those that don't care, well, you'll be seeing a lot less of me - you'll be using a lot less of me. I'll have my cell phone on for emergencies, but I'll find my real friends by the difficulty they have in getting hold of me. Let's see who cares.

My friends, you've told me to walk away so many times. So here we go. I'm making an effort to abandon the people that don't give a shit either way - those that call me their 'friend' only when they need me. It's time to leave this place and head out into the beyond of a social reject. When I'm gone, will you notice?

I'll try and keep this blog updated occasionally. Not many people read it, but for those that do, thanks. I've shared a lot of thoughts and things I usually keep private. There's a lot of my secrets on this little corner of the internet that you can find if you look deep enough... and I appreciate those of you that have been there along my journey. I respect that, and I'll stay with you through this black page.

I've often said that life isn't difficult - it's just the people in it. I'm not much of a person - I'm too hollow inside and that makes it a little difficult. But for all that I'm not, I give you what I can. I give you my nothing. Goodbye.

"In my end is my beginning." -T.S. Eliot.


Anonymous said...

the game, son

Unso said...

um. y. well i understand i guess. but yo pick up ur phone when i call u aight!

Unso said...

well what do you know...i ahve 2 accounts...btw this is the real one. lmao

this is marco btw.