What am I doing?

Inner peace feels like cherries in spring and the leaves in August. It's like scratching an itch. Like finding a perfect puddle of water.


My Dog Looks Somewhat Like Another Dog

Why I am suddenly so depressed is beyond me.

I've eternally had a terribly optimistic view of relationships. Not to say that I'm not deeply and madly in love - but I doubt I've ever really realized the ridiculous amount of work that's required to maintain a healthy and meaningful relationship. And, on the side, an overdose of paranoia that keeps me awake at night. What if, what if, what if. I would relate that I sound much akin to a broken record, but I've always held the firm belief that broken records only make horrid static screeches, so a better analogy would be that I'm like a late-night DJ suffering a nervous twitch in his disc scratching arm.

I fear sometimes that I'm not brave or daring enough to be the blatant expression of excitement my darling love wishes me to be. It's so difficult sometimes to envision just exactly she would desire in a Immature Nerd With Various Mental Issues, and although I do tend to realize that she loves me for who I am - I'm not an idiot, after all, most of the time - but of my various moods, which does she like the most? After all, I am not merely a single individual with single moods, but a smorgasbord of templates, a buffet of personalities and possibilities, and like a catered dinner, custom-made to the limit approaching perfection.

This blog needs more pictures. I find myself increasingly unable to communicate without some sort of visual aid, but I can't really be bothered to search for or upload any. I'm not insulting your ability to read the written word, but rather, the dull and boring sensations that must come from viewing a blog devoid of standard colors. Maybe you could just envision images in your mind's eye and tell me what you're seeing. Maybe you can just pretend because I am too lazy. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

And, Jesus Christ, children nowadays are ridiculous.