Drisk and The Rapy are the best games evar.
Playing Risk 2210 is fun by itself, but factor in the "Drink whenever you kill a unit" and the game gets that much better. Somehow, I managed to hole out in Hong Kong while Spackman raped across the board, laying waste to all his armies conquered, scoring myself second place. My army also had an unnaturally high kill rate while defending, which led to my untimely demise at the hands of intoxication.
As for The Rapy, I had the misfortune of being asked rather ridiculous questions, such as the classic "Which body part would you improve?" You only get one guess as to what I put.
What am I doing?
The Rapy
Black and White
What we say is open to interpretation.
Is it so wrong to see the world in shades of grey? Darkness steals away your sight... but light is blinding too. No, I prefer the world of black and white I live in. Duality is my code, and a skewed view is my angle on life.
We're always trying to see behind the eyes of others. How many times have we blocked off the windows to the soul, drawn curtains across our eyes and hidden our thoughts? When I wake up, I cover my face and put on a smiling mask to show the world. Over time, which is real? Have I become my facade?
What happens when it is the dream that awakens, and the dreamer that fades into memory? What happens when the masks we wear become our faces? What happens to us when we pretend to be someone we're not?
Yes, I'm just one person. I'm not that innocent, not that lost, not as bewildered as I seem to be. But I do try at it, and I'm rather good at it, if you haven't noticed. Walrus.
I long for many things. A hand to hold mine in the dark. Someone to walk with on that cold river of the heart. Success, as we all wish for ourselves. Happiness.
Is it sad that I don't believe in that anymore? It's like wishing for a pet unicorn, superpowers, a magical lamp. You hope, you wish, you pray, but you're just grasping thoughts and cobwebs. The path I've chosen, the way I've set out for myself, denies me the simpleness of life, no matter how simple I try to be. They call it 'walking wounded', which is just a fancy way of saying you are totally fucked.
It's the porcupine scenario. I want someone to sit with under the stars. I need someone to hold my hand on those cold nights. But I'm a porcupine, and whenever anyone gets close, I push them so hard into the 'friend' zone they get shell-shock. It's the pain of being black and white; either you reject everything, or you absorb everything. My dual sides, respectively. One pushing away the world, while the other absorbing its problems.
Yes, I'm happy in my own way. I'm satisfied with who I am. I wish I could be more, but that relies on my ability to improve, and I'm really lazy.
I can't see the future anymore than you can. But I still go at it, working the timelines, trying to do what I can, to twist and turn the innumerable paths we can go down. Altering the present, giving and taking what I can. And no matter what I say, I still have hope. What a hypocrisy. If I were ever in politics, I'd get kicked out of office faster than Wile E. Coyote after the Roadrunner.
Yes, I do what I can, and many times I fail... it's all just black and white.
Frosh Week
To recap:
Saturday, Move-in: Fucking awesome.
Sunday, Move-in: Fucking awesome.
Monday, Bedraces, Meeting #1: Fucking awesome.
Tuesday, Faculty Day: Fucking awesome.
Wednesday, Airbands, Meeting #2: Fucking awesome.
Thursday, GekON: Fucking awesome.
Friday, Buspull, Grad, FW Pub: Fucking awesome.
I drank 60 tubes of freezie juice, ate an uberhotdog, drank a bottle of tabasco sauce, had red bull with wheaties, and got printed in the Plumbline. I ran around campus with a kite attached to my back, a sign taped to my body, wearing a newspaper-pope-hat, and scared the shit out of frosh. I screamed until I lost my voice. I am not a part-timer.
So now you know how my week was. So cool.